YoolaKnitter is here ! a new wire crochet knitter with automatic release

YoolaKnitter is here ! a new wire crochet knitter with automatic release

Sounds like a  bombastic title ? as you will soon see I think you will think so too ...

After two years of research and development we are finally ready to launch the YoolaKnitter, the road was long and bumpy and we almost gave up more than once but we are happy to announce we reached our goal.

What we were looking to develop was a knitter that will save you ( and me ;) ... the need to cut the design off the base or the starter, if you are new here you might not understand what all the fuss is about, but once you jump in you sure will ! :) 

I don't remember every crazy idea we had over the years, but we did keep a few of the prototypes we manufactured on this last round, having a close look you may see the evolution. We started with an ambition goal  to make more than one size but as the project got more and more complicated and more and more expensive, we decided to focus on the 2 most popular loom size, the S size with 12 loops and the M size with 24 loops. logically we decided that a 24 knitter will be able to serve smaller size if you skip some of the gates created below the spring, while the other way round won't. But if these fly off the boxes we might consider investing in a smaller size knitter as well, so its up to you how quick you consume them ;) 

Like any development process, some ideas look great on paper, some even function wonderful when you prototype them, but can't be manufactured :) and even those that can, might take endless coming and going until you think it's good enough, there is a saying that the worse enemy of good is perfect...

YoolaKnitter- Yooladesign

want to learn how it works ?

There is a spring going all around creating gates you can pull stitches through, when its time to release the work, simply rotate the ring  or the body a full circle and it will be released. to start working again, you simply rotate the ring back in the opposite direction and you are ready to go :) as simple as that.

YoolaKnitter- Yooladesign

YoolaKnitter- Yooladesign

YoolaKnitter - a new way to crochet wires from yoola on Vimeo.

With your purchase you will get a catalog with further explanations and a link to a more detailed video.

You must be wondering if this will replace the ISK looms set, well I'm wondering the same, but  as this is a new baby I don't know yet ... other than the obvious such as larger designs, for some designs I use it and for others I don't,  but its not yet consistent when and why, only time will tell .... but I already have ideas that are specific to the new knitter, so even if it doesn't fully replaces the ISK looms, it will open new horizons, and enable new designs.

We are hoping to make the YoolaKnitter a commodity sold in bead /craft/crochet shops so we invested in a commercial packaging, shop owners ! inquire about wholesale ordering of the YoolaKnitter and YoolaPlate. we designed them to be self explanatory and literally sell themselves... 

with any questions , I'm a click away as always ...


Yael aka Yoola


YoolaKnitter- Yooladesign



size chart

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