Wire crochet & a Zebra - a real story

Wire crochet & a Zebra - a real story

Today I will tell you a story that warmed my heart and I thought you would enjoy too. 

J. has been my clients for many years now, and I knew only a little about her , as I know only a little about you all ... but thanks to a parcel that was slightly delayed, I had the chance to hear her personal connection with the zebra necklace,  and now you will get to hear it too :)

It's best if I put it down in her own words, J writes :  

"I have been fighting some strange autoimmune illness for about 30 years.

Finally getting some answers.  I have a geneticist working for me who thinks it is a rare genetic autoimmune disease of some kind.

They are testing my genes to try to identify it. Anyway, she calls us zebras!

She said the doctors could not figure us out all those years, because the average person hears hoof beats, looks for horses. You have to be looking for zebras to find rare genetic diseases.

We are zebras.

So I made the staff in her office all your zebra necklaces and put tiny zebra charms on the clasps.

I wanted to make a couple ones for the adventurous ones in multicolor. I am sure they will like them.

The zebra thing is not a joke in their office...

Thank you so much again! You are such a wonderful inspiration! "
the said parcel arrived and J could finalize the necklaces, so a few days ago she sent me the photos of the Zebra necklaces she made,
I almost missed her email because the images that were attached, I hate when this happens... 
so here are J's Zebraz !
I love the chains but really adore the little charms she added to them on the back, like a little private secret.
It makes such a difference when you hear the story behind them !
I Hope her Zebra mystery get solved by that clever doctor !
Zebra wire crochet necklace yooladesign
Zebra wire crochet necklace yooladesign
Zebra wire crochet necklace yooladesign
Zebra wire crochet necklace yooladesign
Zebra wire crochet necklace - yooladesign
Have a nice story to do with wire crochet ? write me :)
it will make me happy and I may also share it forward in here...
Landed here by chance and want to get started ?
hop over the the wehrer do Ii start page !


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