Black jewelry - are you a fan ? special Halloween post

Black jewelry - are you a fan ? special Halloween post

Since there is no better excuse to write about black jewelry than Halloween, I will not let such an opportunity just pass by.

Personally I find black jewelry super attractive and super chic, It's one of my top favorites, I have a 3D printed ring I bought years ago at the MOMA shop which I wear a lot. Black jewelry especially when made with wires creates a nice contrast with most skin colors and leave its lines and contours very dominant. 

Naturally this effect that I like so much is emphasized with wire crochet jewelry or actually any wire jewelry, as long as it is not too dense and leave gaps of nothingness in between them, this effect could also be described as the black curves that cage the air or define the space. I know that may sound a bit philosophic, but isn't trying to understand what works and why it works just as interesting as creating? If this is not the first blog post of mine that you read, than you probably heard me tell before that my design process is very intuitive and I just let me hands lead the way, I guess this is what I love so much about wire crochet in the invisible spool knitting technique, that if you are not fixed on what outcome you want , you can just create along and do changes along the way, or even finish crocheting and only than decide how you want to manipulate  the piece into a wearable piece.

Back to the jewelry topic of this post, black! over the years I created quite a few of my designs in black, several pieces were custom orders, others were samples I keep for myself … so as I was saying in the into, Halloween gives the perfect excuse to take them all out, for real or just digitally. In the images below you can find a collection of the black wire crochet pieces I made or just have photos of along with a few other wire jewelry I made.

black wire necklace by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet bracelet by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet ring by YoolaDesign black wire necklace by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet necklace by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet bracelet by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet ring by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet earrings by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet necklace with beads by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet necklace by YoolaDesign

black wire designs by YoolaDesign black wire crochet onyx earrings by YoolaDesign


black wire crochet earrings by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet ring by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet earrings by YoolaDesign

black and white wire crochet earrings by YoolaDesign

black wire bracelet by YoolaDesign

black flower wire crochet earrings by YoolaDesign

black wire crochet tube necklace by YoolaDesign

black wire bracelet by YoolaDesign

Looking at this collection and trying to further explain why people are drawn to it, I think they create an impact of effortless chic that could also be phrased as causal drama. Look around, many people love black jewelry :)

I can't offer you tricks but I do have some treats for you ....  see this limited time code.

Happy halloween !

halloween black promo code


Yael aka Yoola


Landed here by mistake and want to get hooked on the invisible spool knitting?

Check the where do I start page so you understand where to begin and how to find your way around the site.

Questions ? Hesitations ? 

Drop me a note via the "contact" green button, I will reply as soon as I can. 



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